Saturday, October 8, 2011


Calypso is remembered most for her role in Homer's Odyssey, in which she keeps the fabled Greek hero Odysseus on her island so she could make him her immortal husband. According to Homer, Calypso kept Odysseus hostage at Ogygia for seven years. while Pseudo-Apollodorus says five years and Hyginus says one. During this time they sleep together, although Odysseus soon comes to wish for circumstances to change.  Odysseus can not be away from his true love Penelope any longer and wants to go to Calypso to tell her. His patron goddess Athena asks Zeus to order the release of Odysseus from the island, and Zeus sends Hermes to tell Calypso to set Odysseus free, for it was not his destiny to live with her forever. She angrily comments on how the gods hate goddesses having relationships with mortals for this. Then being worried for her not-meant-to-be love Odysseus, Calypso sends him on his way with a boat, wine, and bread. Odysseus tells her he knows she is more beautiful than his wife, but he wants to get home for other reasons.  Homer does not mention any children by Calypso. By some accounts, which come after the Odyssey, Calypso bore Odysseus a son, Latinus, though Circe is usually given as Latinus' mother. In other accounts Calypso bore Odysseus two children, Nausithous and Nausinous.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Focus Pocus

Focus Pocus
Handle locusts
Popping in my pillow lust
Think a straight thought
do what will bring gain
stop wandering in your brain!
it will be there when you're done
let someone else live
in that little house on your head
go on vacation
to a remote location
and FOCUS on what shall be done!


Qualities of Sappho's poetry

David Campbell has briefly summarized some of the most arresting qualities of Sappho's poetry:
Clarity of language and simplicity of thought are everywhere evident in our fragments; wit and rhetoric, so common in English love-poetry and not quite absent from Catullus' love poems, are nowhere to be found. Her images are sharp—the sparrows that draw Aphrodite's chariot, the full moon in a starry sky, the solitary red apple at the tree-top—and she sometimes lingers over them to elaborate them for their own sake. She quotes the direct words of conversations real or imaginary and so gains immediacy. When the subject is the turbulence of her emotions, she displays a cool control in their expression. Above all, her words are chosen for their sheer melody: the skill with which she placed her vowels and consonants, admired by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, is evidenced by almost any stanza; the music to which she sang them has gone, but the spoken sounds may still enchant.[30]

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mr. Ego

Almost over the break up. Still not over his ego.
When I say ego, he wants to relate it to Freud.
What I'm talking about is not the part of the personality
that balances a personality and relates the psyche to reality.
What I'm talking about is thinking that you are an altruistic person
but only really thinking about the survival and interest of yourself,
when it comes down to it.
Not to say that he didn't do nice things for me, or that he treated me badly.
I just don't understand a person who holds themselves higher than other humans.
If a person is more intelligent, or understands things better than others,
I feel that this person is blessed with the gift of insight, not better than other beings.
If a person has more material things that others, I see that person as either privileged by birth
or did well managing their time in relation to their finances.
If a person is more attractive than others, I see that person was given genes that
makes their body more aesthetically pleasing to others.
I don't see better than, worse than.
He would never admit that he sees things that way,
but it's apparent.
What I find particularly silly is that he is not that much more intelligent or better looking
than the average person. And definitely doesn't have the material wealth.
I guess the reason that it's hard for me to get over is that I indulged the illusion that his ego was merely self confidence.... although, ironically, he doesn't have much of that either.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eufaula Move

Got moved to Eufaula. It's so peaceful out here. Kind of creepy at night, but I'll get used to it. My stupid molar is killing me. I keep forgetting I can't drink hot coffee or it gets inflamed. Maybe one of these days I'll have enough money to get the root canal I need done. Oh well. Already feeling better and blessed to be in this environment.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


of a celestial body : to reach its highest altitude; also : to be directly overhead 
a : to rise to or form a summit 
  b : to reach the highest or a climactic or decisive point
: to bring to a head or to the highest point

The Hermit

Sometimes I hurt people's feelings because I don't take too many things very seriously and I don't realize they do. I also like keeping to myself most of the time and social people feel like I am personally blowing them off because I don't value them, but it's not true. I just enjoy being by myself and working on my hobbies and work and playing around. It's not that I don't like being social. I love hanging out with fun people and doing social things, just not everyday or most days. Why can't they just "take me as I come, cuz I can't stay long"? :-b More and more, I'm starting to understand the mind of the Hermit. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Healing word association

remembering the past and the future
being greatful for the good things in life
Tao, Tao means how, How the universe works.
giggling Buddha
Lotus growing from mud
spontaneous jam session
the beach at night
hugging my daughter for longer than she wants
To be continued.

Smell the Roses on my Own

I hate having a desperate heart. It takes me further from my true self.
I just don't understand why it's so easy for him.
The only explanation is he didn't feel as deeply for me as I thought,
and as I did.
I think about all the people in the World who don't find love.
How selfish and small minded of me to care so much about this loss.
I've loved and loved again. I've hurt people worse than I'm hurting right now.
I just hate this feeling. It makes me lose my Love for Life.
I'm fighting for it though.
I made a promise to myself that I'd never forget to keep loving Life and the beautiful Universe.
To never get too bitter.
Right now, I don't want to love again.
I'm powerless over Love though. I love Love.
Time to gear up for the next roller coaster.
It's sure enough coming. Maybe I can hold off for a while.
Not too long. But long enough to give myself time to smell the roses on my own.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1:32 Subconscious

Churning in the basement of my mind,
I fall down the steps, into the sand,
 the mother calls out for me, I am silent
I turn to see who is next to me, the church bell is ringing
"Time and time again, we meet here", he said
"The days just keep getting shorter."
I follow the lizard through the door
He leads me into the 4 dimension
floating common consciousness
I wait for your voice
to say, "It's okay."

Achy Breaky

My heartache came back too fast
bein' back here with you gone
I want to run to my old vices
but I can't allow myself the easy way
You may be able to hide from your pain
but mine follows where I go
My heart eases when your around
For you it's not the same
Out of sight, out of mind
I wish it was the same for me
If I could just pretend I didn't love you
If I could just pretend I didn't care
I wouldn't be feelin' all this pain right now
I could go back to the way it was before you
I know this is something we have to do
sometimes I'm not as sure
Part of me wishes it wasn't true
But I will go on and my heart will heal
Just wish it could be today
Just wish it could be now
I don't like spending all this time crying.