Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mr. Ego

Almost over the break up. Still not over his ego.
When I say ego, he wants to relate it to Freud.
What I'm talking about is not the part of the personality
that balances a personality and relates the psyche to reality.
What I'm talking about is thinking that you are an altruistic person
but only really thinking about the survival and interest of yourself,
when it comes down to it.
Not to say that he didn't do nice things for me, or that he treated me badly.
I just don't understand a person who holds themselves higher than other humans.
If a person is more intelligent, or understands things better than others,
I feel that this person is blessed with the gift of insight, not better than other beings.
If a person has more material things that others, I see that person as either privileged by birth
or did well managing their time in relation to their finances.
If a person is more attractive than others, I see that person was given genes that
makes their body more aesthetically pleasing to others.
I don't see better than, worse than.
He would never admit that he sees things that way,
but it's apparent.
What I find particularly silly is that he is not that much more intelligent or better looking
than the average person. And definitely doesn't have the material wealth.
I guess the reason that it's hard for me to get over is that I indulged the illusion that his ego was merely self confidence.... although, ironically, he doesn't have much of that either.

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